Tales of Woe
Page 4


         GOOD JOB MAN , KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK !!!!!!   This is way over due.  I am a business man that travels alot and have heard the horror stories about New Rome for many many years. There are also other small towns in Ohio with similar problems and officers out of control with no supervision.  Portage, Ohio  { Wood county } is like a redundant sinario of New Rome.  Years ago the mayor of Portage had a side door to his bedroom and the corrupt police would bring innocent entrapped motorists into his bedroom and hold mayors court in bed.
You can bet the State never saw any of those tickets and /or cash.
        April 2000 in  Upper Sandusky, Ohio { Wyandot county }  where I'm a lifetime resident and business owner for 27 years my son came home to visit. His girlfriend was driving his car.  They stopped at a local tavern so he could see some of his friends that he had went to school with.  His girlfriend does not drink alcohol or do drugs.  My son had a couple of beers, but by no means intoxicated.  The jailer on duty that evening even stated that my son was not intoxicated.  A rookie officer that the town had hired with very little background check, started following them for over one and a half miles.  I later traveled the same route they took at the legal speed limits.  It took me over 4 minutes. Ample time to have pulled them over if he had any reason to do so.  This young punk cop was only looking for a fight that night..  My son's girlfriend pulled into my drive, which I live outside the city limits and out of the local police dept. jurisdiction.   The policeman  stopped the cruiser and started picking a fight with my son.  The shouting woke me up from my sleep and I went out to see what was going on.  My son was telling him this was his home and he had done nothing wrong and go back to town and leave him alone.   I then told my son and his girlfriend to come into the house which they did and we shut the door and turned out the light.  The police then drove onto my property and coerced him into coming outside.  At that time two officers jumped him.  Beat him, cuffed him and after he was cuffed, sprayed his eyes with pepper spray. He had to go to the hospital to get treatment because of the beating the police officers gave him.  They then trumped up a bunch of phony charges to cover there a**  They had him charged with resisting arrest, obstruction of business, persistent disorderly conduct and menacing.   My son went out of town and hired an attorney, as most in town would not touch it, and the ones that would are involved in the gestapo.  The local court system refused to produce to my sons attorney, the necessary documents and discovery.  They dropped all charges.  They knew that once they produced the discovery, we had a good law suite against the town.

         I have a very good friend that is a private detective, that has done work for me many years at my place of business.  I told him about this and he did some preliminary research on this officer and found he had falsified his application and had a prior problem, similar to ours in the town he was in before he was hired by our town.  One has to wonder how close they screen these guys?  Then once these thugs get on the payroll in a town, the town cant get rid of them because they are protected by the  "FOP"  police union.  Fraternal order of police.                       DO NOT DONATE TO THE FOP !!!!  Those guys are the working mans enemy.

         The second officer involved in this  we learned had a serious mental problem in his teens So bad he had to drop out of school for a while.
Of course these records are not available because he was a minor.  However this guy now has a badge and carries a loaded gun.
Kinda scarry don't you think?  We have serious problems with some of the law enforcement in Ohio.   Thanks to Betty Montgomery !!!
Who by the way came from  YOU GUESSED IT   WOOD COUNTY !!!!  Home of the famous Portage Gestapo.

          Our town now has a new chief. The Police Dept that he worked at prior in Perkins Twp. Ohio was investigated and his boss was charged with forty some counts of theft` in office in 1998.

         Good luck Jim on your endeavor.    Alot of us hard working tax overpaying citizens deserve better from law enforcement than what we are getting.      Keep up the good work,   Monte

Jim says:

Wow Monte.  That is some story!  Did your son continue with legal action against the Police?  I don't think the police for these little towns get much of a background check either.  I know a couple Columbus Police and they run them through the wringer before they get to do anything.  Betty is from this place?  That could explain a lot.  I'm really disappointed at the states lack of action on these kinds of problems.

Hello Jim
I live just east of "Corruptsville, Ohio"!   I have two storys of how they randomly stop people in New Rome.......First...my and my wife were apartment hunting in 1998, and decided to stop at the Advanced Auto Part store to buy some cleaning supplies for our car. Well Mr. Police Man was sitting at the gravel lot next to the part store....so he creeps into the auto parts lot and turns on his lights. I had already shut the car off and was stepping into the door and he calls me over to his patrol car. He asked my for my license and regatration, I ask what was the problem. He starts telling me he was checking MV records and wanted to know if I was "updated"?
   Needless to say we exchanged words, i  was driving a 1998 Chevrolet Camaro...that i purchased 2 days earlier.......he said they had had several car theifs in the area and he was just checking to see if the car was registered in my name.....can you believe that crap?
    So me and my wife go into the Parts store, when we come out there was a second cruiser there....they watch me get into my car...when i drive off the lot the second cruiser follows me around the block and he decides he is going to pull me over too!   I ask the cop "What now?"   He says he is doing an insurance check......now how the hell can you have a 1998 Camaro (which is still owned by the freakin' bank) and not have insurance?   This Officer and I also had words. He said he was sorry for the inconvienence, but it was mandatory that they do "Surprize" inspections.....what a crook of shit......I really hope your "CAUSE" makes a difference!  I got no ticket....but boy they really pissed me off!

yours truly,   FRED

Jim says:

You are a fine example of someone who was harassed for no reason at all.  Some people like to think you have to break the law to get pulled over.  I won't feel sorry for them when they send in their T.o.W. about how they were abused by the NRPD.  Not to mention don't you have to have probable cause to pull someone over?

Hi Jim,

Thought I would send you an update on how we got screwed by the NRPD, Sonya went to court on Thursday and the court was loaded with people as usual.  She told everyone in the waiting room about your website and how New Rome sucks. She also invited everyone there to the March on NRPD.  She waited about an hour went in to see the judge.  And they had a half page written about me because I was pissed that day and was loud. They told her that, they could of arrested me, I said for what saying how I feel is it against the law to speak your mind nowadays. They fined her $125 dollars, 30 days suspended jail sentence (for a non moving violation mind you), $ 58 dollar court fee and they keep 10 % of her bond money. Tell me how f-ed up that is.  I was driving home the other day displaying my sign I made from your Web Site, When I looked up and realized that there is one billboard in New Rome, What do you think of this I say we try to raise enough money to Advertise your web site on that billboard facing east that way everyone that drives up west broad street towards New Rome will be able to see it.
Maybe we can even talk your lawyer into advertising on the billboard also, and sponsor us.  Well let me know what you think! And we will see you there tomorrow.

Steve & Sonya

Jim says:

I checked on the price of billboards and it's really expensive.  It's like $1000 for 30 days.  I mailed Lamar Advertising (www.lamar.com) to ask if they made the "I would slow down if I were you" billboard because of New Rome and they never replied.  If anyone wants to donate money towards getting the billboard I certainly wouldn't be against it.  We really need a corporate sponsor for these kinds of things!

although I have not received a ticket in New Rome I did get pulled over on broad st. in Alton across from Steves drive thru.
I had just the day before received a new company truck and had went to tractor supply I live west of New Rome so I did not have to even go into the village. when I left the store I pulled out on Rome Hilliard rd made a left (west) on broad  and 2 jerk off cops pulled me over in Alton and tried to ticket me for having a expired driver license. Before I showed the idiots my license and registration I asked how they  knew who I was. Their answer was my 30 day tag. I then nastily informed them that I was in a commercial vehicle that did not have my name or info anywhere on the reg. papers. I told the idiots that my company has 800 employees and they could take their pick  as to who they wanted to ticket. I then grabbed my cell phone and told them that we would just call the sheriff and let them decide why they thought I was being harassed. The spineless prics told me to have a nice day and let me go. NEW ROME SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jim says:

Stories like this make me smile.  I love it.  They mess with someone who isn't willing to take their shit and they back down because they know they are wrong.  Keep up the good work!  You're a true inspiration.

Jim, about 18 years ago I was going through NR and as I went through the yellow light I was pulled over for running a red light!  The officer had a patch over one eye and actually took my license, so I had to go to court.  What a joke, when I went into the basement of the building there stood the officer with his patch over his eye.  My case was called and the mayor looked like "Boss Hog" on the "Dukes of Hazzard" was dressed in a white undershirt which hadn't been change for 3 days, with a gold chain around his neck.  My main story was the light was yellow, not red and besides, Roscoe had eye surgery and was wearing a patch!  What a joke!  The fine was dropped and I went on my merry way!  I got my license back and drive through "Hazzard", oops, excuse me, New Rome on a weekly basis!

Jim says:

Ahhh how times have changed.  Now they don't let you go even when you prove you didn't do anything wrong.  Then again someone did mention how they have to send DUI charges to Franklin County now and can't collect the $500 they used to get.

     My name is shannon .My Mom got pulled over by new rome here not to long ago and said that she was going down a one way street by Tony's Coney's. She was so nervous and she didn't pull over right when he turned on his lights and when she finally did pull over he screamed at her and made her cry. My mom is in her 50's and get scared very easily. The fact is sahe wasn't even on a one way street and he just pulled her over for purely shits and giggles, which is typical of New Rome. They have also pulled me over several times so now I am a firm believer that I wich New Rome would fall of the face of the
earth. It is about time that someone stood up for their right against assholes. And the next time they pull me over I am going to get a lawyer and take their asses to court. I was not present on the day my mom got pulled over, but if I would have been I would have been in jail after that. By the way this is one of the best webs sites I have ever seen.


Jim says:

Thanks for your support Shannon.  Your story is typical of how they do things.  They love to mentally abuse people and treat them like scum.  It's an authority trip.  Makes them feel all big and bad.  What goes around comes around I always say.

For six years, I lived in the Greene Countrie subdivision near Westland High School and was forced to travel through New Rome.  My sons played baseball for the Westland Youth Athletic Association.  Believe you me, I was extremely cautious every time I had to pass through Mayberry.  One day as I was traveling down the 1/2 mile stretch near the ball diamonds at approx. two miles per hour, and stopping every few feet at STOP signs, Fiffe pulled me over (he looked all of 16 years old and his pants were buckled so tightly, I thought he may stop breathing).  My blood began to boil.  I am all of 5' tall and knew this was going to be a battle that might land me in jail.  I immediately jumped out of my car and started toward Fiffe with all of the intimidation I could muster!  He jumped out of his car and yelled "STOP RIGHT THERE" in his scariest of voices.  I said "you stop right there" and proceeded to give him hell over and over and over.  I told him I was fed up with the NRPD bullcrap and that I would call a very prestigious member on Columbus City Council immediately (who happens to be a relative of mine).  I could see after a few moments of my wrath that I actually scared the crap out of him!  Can you believe it?  He let me go with a "warning" (claims that I "rolled" through a stop sign).  After I calmed down and told my husband about the incident, I realized how lucky I was that I was not arrested.  After reading the stories on your website (which is fantastic), I know I truly lucked out.  I have since moved, but think your website is just the thing that may make Humpty Dumpty crumble.  Good luck!


Jim says:

Wow Kathy.  That is a good story and I'm glad that they let you go.  I could just see them cuffing you and hauling you to jail for some made up charge like assaulting an officer.  That is what they did to someone else when she got out of the car.  Keep up the fight!

Dear Jim,
My name is Ryan, i am 20 years old and have lived in Lincoln Village all my life.  I have been driving through new rome for the past 4 years pretty much every day (mostly to get to and from school).  When i got my car 4 years ago, i had my windows tinted.  Since then, i have past many cops, and sheriffs even in new rome and never even got a second glance. After a while i just figured that window tint wasn't as big a deal to cops as i thought it would be.  Until a few weeks ago.  I was coming back from Taco Bell and with me was one of my friends (who just happens to be black) when the new rome pig flips on his sirens.  He pulls me over and explains to me that my windows were too dark.  Here i sit, a college student, in the afternoon, in the middle of the week, with a perfect driving record, and that this man has the nerve to give me a ticket, not a warning, a ticket.  I have never even been pulled over AT ALL before for any reason, and here i sit with a ticket for window tint.  He explained to me that if i had the tint removed before my court date that the fine would be waived.  So needless to say i had the tint removed and i showed up on my court date.  Here i sit in a trailer (nice courtroom!)with people who have no insurance, expired licenses, and other serious offenses.  I had to wait for all of the cases to be heard before a rookie cop was sent out to check my windows to see if they met the regulations.  He was obvioulsy a rookie b/c he walked outside and had the nerve to tell me that he thought my windows still looked a little dark.  I told him, "sir, i had the tint stripped off, and you're looking at the factory window".  He goes back inside, gets his little tint checker, puts it on my window, and it reads 81%, the legal limit is 50%.  So he looks at me and goes, "duh, yeah you're well within regulations".  I thought to myself, "ya think?"  Where do they find these guys?  And is it possible that the only reason i was pulled over that day was b/c my "black" friend was with me?...Seems to me that these new rome cops are just a little racist.

Jim says:

I wouldn't be surprised if what you say is true.  I have heard similar stories.  It certainly would fit the stereotype being an all white Village with the exception of one Asian.  The whole window tint charge is bull.  They shouldn't be able to see in your car any more than they can be able to see in your house as far as I'm concerned.

Hi Jim- I live in Galloway,my tale begins on a Saturday morning at 2 am.My wife and I were attending a wedding and reception on the east side of Columbus and left our two children at a babysitters house in West Jefferson.We were on W.Broad at the light at Norton heading to W.Jeff.A new rome  five o was parked on Broad near the hotel,as we went by him I told my wife keep watching i guarantee he will stop us,we made it all the way to Franks before the five o pulled out and gave chase.He pulled me over at Galloway Rd.He was a fine young blonde headed 17 year old with one silver bullet.I asked him what was wrong.He told me to be quiet,give me your license,registration and insurance,I complied,he walks back to his very own cop car,stays in his car about ten mins(couldn't figure how to work the computor i guess) then asked me do you know why i pulled you over,i told him you were bored maybe.Not nice i know.He says i almost didn't stop for the red light in new rome,i said sorry but i did stop right? Yep you did but you almost didnt.Then he said i crossed the double yellow several times,which i
replied no to also.Then he said,was that you squealing your tires trying to get away from me.At that point i couldnt take it anymore i told him i have a dozen donuts in the back seat take as many as you want just dont hurt me.He didn't laugh,didnt even smile.He said i'll do a safety check on your car.He walked around my car twice looking for something wrong.About that time he received a call turned around ran to his car and sped off into the darkness.I didnt stick around to see if he would return.I spoke with a sheriff s deputy the other day who said they quit helping new rome chase people because they all ended up being phantom chases.They werent really chasing anyone,they just wanted to drive fast down Rt 40.  See ya-Mike

Wow Mike!  I should post this in the Tales of Woe!  It's a Tale of WHOA you didn't get a ticket?!?!  I'm always amazed when I hear stories of people who they didn't find a reason to ticket them.  Great job!

Allow me to join the list of complainants!   I join the list of unfortunates who have fallen under the New Rome's wave of elastic law! (they are good at stretching it to the max) I wish I had fought it.  I didn't. I just paid the ticket.  It was a few days after my birthday (September 13), on a Saturday.  I thought I could run up to Aldi's then to the registrar to renew my car registration.  Wrong.  New Rome's finest followed me INTO the Aldi's parking lot. (no lights at that time)  New Rome's finest pulled up beside my car AFTER  I had stopped it and started to get out of it (then the lights came on-scared me to death!) in the
Aldi's parking lot.  First, I thought you had  until the end of the month to renew a registration, and secondly-isn't Aldi's private property?  Here in is another peculiarity-I had turned left off of Norton Road onto West Broad St. to (I live at Norton/Hall) head to Aldi's.  Now they must have really fast computers (I wish this one would respond that fast) or they "tag" people seen frequently on that stretch of road.  If I want to go to Aldi's or Franks now, I go down Galloway and up to Rome/Hilliard.  I doubt that I am alone.   Any merchant in New Rome (Ed' Barber shop, the flower shop, auto parts store, etc) or near by(Lincoln Lodge, Franks, Aldi's, Thorntons, KFC, McDonalds, etc. ) has a stake in this issue.  I am sure there are many like me who just avoid New Rome altogether-and thus the businesses- because of this type of activity.  I go to Big Bear by way of Murray Hill now.   I can't understand how a sheriff can be made to answer with prison time and New Rome just thumbs their nose AND GETS AWAY WITH IT.   They really give new meaning to corruption.  I'll bet DeMastry wishes he had the New Rome elite as his deputys, mayors and other "officials."  How can such a handful of corrupt people get away with so much for so long?  And you thought Boss Hogg was only a character on Dukes of Hazzard!  I wish Mr. Mueller and Mr. Anthony all the luck in the world.  They've really got their work cut out for them.  Takes a lot of guts on their part!  Many like me, have just said "oh the hell with it." By saying that, myself and many others are condoning corruption.

Jim says:

I'm sure a lot of people avoid the New Rome businesses too.  I would rather drive across town than go there.  I wouldn't say it's condoning corruption as much as doing what we are taught.  We are taught that if we get a ticket we must have been breaking the law and not to fight authority.  And as it happens the fine isn't so much that it break the bank so we pay it and move on and "learn our lesson."


I feel ya brother! I've been stopped at the BP on W Broad before too and for that same damn sign being too low! Something needs to be done. Not only does their Police force suck but so do their "Political Officals". I say get rid of the whole damn town!


Jim says:

I am sure their sign got a lot of people.  Just the fact that the speed changes gets a lot of people.  I think ODOT should put speed bumps on the road so people know they are in New Rome and will slow down.  Better yet, build a New Rome bypass!  I would love my tax money to go to something useful like that.

Hi, I think your website is great.
In December 2001, the first time ever being in New Rome I was pulled over for speeding.  I was doing 44 in their 35 MPH, in which I did not see the sign changing the speed from 45 to 35.  I explained to the officer that I have never been that far down on West Broad before but do you think her cared?  As- ----!!!!  Of course he ticketed me.  I did not have my proof of
insurance on me so he explained that I would need to send it in with my ticket.  He also explained that basically he was being nice because he could have also ticketed me for that also.  Such a nice D--- H---!!!!  Well my ticket was due by January 3, 2002.  On January 3 I remembered about the ticket and called my insurance company to mail me proof.  (Had alot of other
things going on in my life and totally forgot).  I figured when I got the proof from my insurance company I would take it to them.  Thinking that I just needed to be carefull to not get pulled over again until this was taken care of.  Well to my surprise when the ticket was not payed by the 3rd they issued a warrant on Friday the 4th and came to my place of business on
Monday the 7th and arrested me, handcuffed me, and took me to their so called police station.  Had to pay $167.00 dollars and then they released me.  Knowing I did not have a way back to work, but do you think those D---- cared?  I got a ride and got the hell out of there and have not been back and will never go back there.  Talk about an embarassment. You would think that with all the money they make off of us as Citizens that they would at least have better facilities for us to be in when they decide to arrest us.


Jim says:

I sympathize with you Kathy.  They come get you at work to humiliate you and set an example.  They make people afraid of them so they can be in control.  Every story I have read where the person stands up to them they have backed down because the fact is they press people for a lot more information that then the people have to give.  I have never had a REAL cop ask me where I work.  That is really non of their business.  They just use that info to come and get you if you don't pay.

Hey Jim!

Great website and effort on your part.  I agree that the practices of the New Rome Police Department are suspect.  I base my opinion on my own experience which happened a few years ago.

As any Madison County resident knows, a common route to get to West Jefferson from the west side of town (other than I-70) is via W. Broad St. (a.k.a. S.R. 40).  To get to W. Broad St., I took a detour on the side-road next to Norton
Elementary School.  At the time, stop signs were not posted at each intersection as they are now.  Only one sign was located on the bend of the road near the lounge/bar located on the west side of the road.  I did not see the sign until I was right on it.

I apparently did not come to a complete stop at the sign.  An officer witnessed my "failure to come to a complete stop" and pulled me over in the lounge parking lot.
Okay so far.

Fast forward to me sitting in the front seat of the cruiser as the officer prepared a written citation.  As he does so, he tells me that I have to pay a $75.00 fine. He also says he will not return my drivers license until the fine is paid.  I asked what the deadline was for paying the fine, and questioned how I could continue driving without having my license with me.  An officer had never kept my license before when I'd been stopped.

The officer explained that if I paid the fine "today", I could get my license back.  He also said this would prevent my insurance company from becoming aware of the ticket/fine.  My rates wouldn't go up.  I had NEVER heard that before.  However, being somewhat young and naive at the time, and concluding that the officer's explanation had to be correct and trustworthy, I went to Trailer HQ and paid the fine in cash that day.  I got my license back, and my insurance rates were not affected.

I recounted this story over the years during routine conversation.  I was surprised to hear from my friends who work in law enforcement (i.e. police officials) that the officer's actions were suspicious, at the least.  Officers do not routinely keep a drivers license until a traffic violation is paid.  The only exception may be when a driver under suspension, or who has no driving privileges, is stopped for a violation.That was certainly not my case at all.

I am not an expert on police procedures.  I understand that procedures may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.  However, in light of the recent controversies surrounding New Rome police practices, I have to continue wondering if the officer who kept my drivers license did so properly.

Continued good luck with the march and website!

In support,
Jeff / Columbus, OH

Jim says:

Your story is the second that said they kept your license.  This is  an utterly insane practice!  And the charge not showing up on your record is even more insane.  Just shows how they run things.

Hi Jim.

I've had 'experiences' with New Rome for many years. Starting in the late 60's, and continuing till I decided that avoiding it alltogather was the best method of keeping my $$.

For a bit of background, I've had a bench warent put on me from New Rome Mayor's court, had a New Rome 'Cop' follow me over a mile out of the 'city' to give me a speeding ticket, then write me up for exaust after the fact, had one show up on my doorstep after following me from New Rome all the way beyond Georgesvill and Sullivant ave.

I've had my run in's with them, and paid my share of tickets. But you know what? NEVER was there a single point applied to me driver's license. I found that interesting. That and the fact that I told the 'Cop' to get lost, or arrest me when he showed up on the poarch and he left.

The only way to correct the 'New Rome Problem' is to not go to any of their businesses. No Tatoos, Dary Queens, Wendy's, nothing. With the level of goods being sold by their businesses going down, then the business world WILL take over and get rid of all the crooked folks running the shop and put in legitimate politicians..... wait a min.... are there any of those left?

Well, at least the speed traps and tickets for tinted windows will slow down.

As for the 'good comments' about New Rome? I am sorry that I have nothing good to say about the political atmosphere in New Rome, but I do like some of the folks who lived there, like Jack Kinkade.(sp) Golf course designer. He was a good man. And Sneeky Pete, if you are out there, I appreciated the Iowa trip! It's a story I still tell tales about! (of course they get bigger each time they are retold!)

Jim. Good luck. You got screwed on your ticket, and anyone in their right mind knows that.

How's the new mayor working out?


Jim says:

Good story!  New Rome's PD wouldn't care if all their businesses were gone.  They would still have their traffic trap business to fund them.

I am sure that there are still some good people in New Rome.  Their government just overshadows it all and makes New Rome what it is.

You know, Donna's story sounds vaguely familiar to me...I had only been here for about a month or so and just graduated (I didn't even have a job yet) when I got my ticket for going 44.  What's funny is that I remember asking my boyfriend why that cop always sat in the same spot day after day because it seemed virtually impossible to speed on W. Broad street because of the amount of traffic it received.  Being new to the area, I had no idea about the speed trap in New Rome, in fact, I didn't even realize I was IN New Rome.  Of course, when I got pulled over, it wasn't until I parked my car in the Big Bear lot.  At first, I didn't even think he was pulling me over because, as a result of my noticing him sitting there day in and day out, I took extra caution (so I thought) in obeying the speed.

When he got out and told me I had been speeding I didn't think to question it at all.  After all, I've gotten a few speeding tickets in the past and each one I knew I was in the wrong.  No use in trying to get out of it...if I'm wrong, I'll pay my fine and go on my way.  However, this time I really didn't think I was speeding. (To top off this lovely experience, he added an additional fine for having 2 tickets in a one year period!!!!)

A one-hundred-sixty dollar ticket later (and no job as of yet), I decided I might go to my court date and try to fight it.   My hopes of this were soon dashed when my boyfriend came home from work and said upon discussing the situation with his co-workers (who were long time residents of Columbus) they just laughed.  Apparently, going to court regarding New Rome isn't an option.  HMM.. go figure.  So, I humbly made my trip to "Town Trailer" (of course, I'm not being disrespectful here, but c'mon...I don't really think it's deserving of the title "Town Hall") and paid my fine to a sweet woman who seemed just about as pained to take my money as I was to give it to her.

So, that's my story.  Needless to say, I avoid New Rome AT ALL COSTS now, even if it means having to sit and wait for a train I could have missed.  I'm just glad I have a good job now that gives me an excuse to move!!!

Jim says:

Yeah.  If you had went to their court I am sure you would have just ended up paying court costs.  Your story is very similar to mine.  It will just make it so much better when they are gone.

Hi Jim, I have a short story, it's been a few years ago.  I was stopped in New Rome for expired license tags, and unfortunately they were.  What I thought was weird was the officer took my drivers license and gave me a little slip of paper.  He also told me that I could go to the bank right now and get the money for the fine.   He said he would be down one of the alley's and I could pay him and he'd give me my drivers license back. Didn't do it.  I got my license back by going to their "court house" and
paying my fine.  I always thought I should have reported this, but to who?
And what would anyone do about it?  At least I'm in good company here at
this site.
Thanks, Jackie

Jim says:

Man.  How shady is that?  You should have talked to a lawyer.  They can't just take your license.  They have to give you a ticket and you sign it for a promise to appear.

NEXT PAGE ----------->

Disclaimer:  The views and opinions posted are solely views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of  Jim or anyone at newromesucks.com.